21 July 2020   |   by Victoria Tayler   |   News, Nonvoice

Case Study - Nonvoice Agency helps GIZER with global distribution and investment

July 21st, New York, USA - GIZER, the competitive gaming infrastructure that makes games social with feature rich gameplay; joined the Nonvoice Agency in May 2020 with the aim of attracting additional distribution and marketing or their advanced app. The GIZER app provides mobile phone operators with a bridge from the non-5G to 5G world that they can cross when they are ready.

As we know, 5G technology will take gaming to a whole new level with more connectivity and therefore better user experiences. The fact that GIZER is already a successful app in the non-5G environment makes it well placed to increase its popularity on 5G networks as gamers experience first-hand the advantages of the new ‘real-life’ play and faster connectivity.

“The mobile gaming industry is worth billions of dollars with subscriber numbers on Apple’s App Store and Google Play increasing daily. Gaming apps are also going to be one of the big winners in the 5G environment. Our aim of our agency is to ensure that GIZER is well positioned to be at the forefront of this move from non-5G to 5G for the benefit of their team and our distribution partners and investors,” explains Nonvoice CEO, Simon Buckingham.

Jack Lamir, CEO of GIZER, said: “We were looking to sign mobile network operator marketing and distribution partnerships globally. Nonvoice and its founder Simon Buckingham have an unparalleled knowledge of the largest telecommunications companies around the world. Thanks to their expertise and professionalism, we have been able to form new relationships for GIZER in new regions”.

The many advantages of GIZER’s gaming app both now and in the future made them a perfect choice for the Nonvoice agency. The agency takes on only ‘best-in-class’ apps to introduce to their investor and distribution partners. Since joining the agency, GIZER has secured several new distribution deals (details of which are currently confidential) and are in discussion with several investors.

About Nonvoice Agency

Nonvoice Agency is a network of agents searching for the best consumer and enterprise 5G apps from around the world. The agency connects app developers with distributors and investors who then help accelerate the adoption and deployment of their application. Nonvoice Agency provides an ecosystem of key parties dedicated to the 5G value chain and the future benefits that these services will bring to the world.

Founder, Simon Buckingham, is available for expert commentary on 5G applications.

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