Spectral DSP

Spectral DSP

Proprietary Waveform Modulation Baseband Software for Handsets and Towers


Spectral DSP

Spectral DSP

Proprietary Waveform Modulation Baseband Software for Handsets and Towers


Spectral DSP’s proprietary waveform modulation technique is at the heart of the solution. Spectral DSP technology reduces OFDM PAPR (peak-to-average power ratio) in order to achieve low energy consumption. While we are currently focused on the cellular industry, our solution applies across the entire RF spectrum. Spectral DSP’s CTO, Dr Fred Harris, is an IEEE Fellow, CUBIC signal processing chair at SDSU, holds 18 patents, has written over 170 journal and conference papers, authored several books on Digital Signal Processing, and contributed to the invention of cable modems and modern-day satellite communication. Our solution can be rolled out via simple reprogramming of cellular modem software. We expect to have a similar PA efficiency boost on UE handsets, enabling longer battery life or BOM cost savings. Our software resides at the DSP level and software for handsets.

Via waveform modulation techniques, our software reduces OFDM PAPR requirements by a minimum of 25% such that energy consumption is comparable to other high-data rate waveform alternatives, such as 256-QAM, making it a better candidate for all terrestrial 4G and 5G cellular/data networks, and sub 6GHz.

Our technology is a significant improvement over traditional OFDM. It will be used on handsets and base-stations and will reduce the number of basestations needed by at least two-thirds since it creates a much stronger signal with less energy. With our technology handsets can see an increase of 16%-27% energy savings on the power amplifier.

5G Features:

  • Proprietary Waveform Modulation Baseband Software for Handsets and Towers. Reduces 5G power consumption.

Commercial Model:

  • Paid
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